Can you explain how Megagrass is eco-friendly?

Oct 14, 2020 - 1:33 PM

  • Can you explain how Megagrass is eco-friendly?

  • Our artificial grass is very eco-friendly per the following facts:

    • It saves water, a lot of water. 40-60% of a typical household’s water usage goes to natural grass lawns, with artificial grass, a lot of water will be saved.
    • Eliminates air pollution: the pollution generated by lawn mower is a big problem for our environment, with artificial grass, no lawn mowers to be used any more.
    • No pollutions or contamination of soil. Keeping up with natural grass lawns needs a lot of fertilizer and pesticides which contaminate the soil, artificial grass will eliminate the problem completely. Please feel free to let us know if you have any other questions by emailing us at, thank you.
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