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  • What are the advantages for using fake grass for sports?

What are the advantages for using fake grass for sports?

Mar 12, 2020 - 12:16 PM

  • We only ever use real grass, and I'm curious if the benefits are worth making the switch. Thanks!

  • Hi Corana, thanks for your question.

    There are many advantages to using fake grass over natural grass. The durability, increase in safety, as well as surface consistency to name a few. But one of the major benefits of choosing synthetic turf over natural grass is how much money and time you'll save on maintenance.

    Natural grass fields need to be cut, fertilized, weeded or watered to just to keep the surface texture and shape consistent. Multiply that by the amount of increased food traffic it absorbs during sports games, and you're looking at a lot of expenses just on maintenance.

    Megagrass artificial grass doesn't need to undergo any of these maintenance factors. You don't need to mow it, water it, or remove weeds. This saves you on water and fertilizer costs, time, and the effort it would take to keep a regular natural grass sporting field game ready.

    If you need additional help, please feel free to ask! Thanks!

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