Is it possible for an amateur to install your turf correctly?

Jun 29, 2020 - 1:37 PM

  • Is it possible for an amateur to install your turf correctly? Will it not look the same if I don't use a professional installer?

  • There are a lot of DIY homeowners installing artificial grass themselves, it has becoming a increasing trend in the recent years. If the installation requires no seams (just one single piece), it will be a rather easy process. The two main parts can be challenging when it comes to an installation by amateurs: sub base building and seaming, of course the size of the installation also matters. I will definitely recommend to have professionals installing artificial grass with sizes over 400 sf., amateurs who has worked on similar projects (pavers) before and handy enough to measure and cut can always try it out. Here is the link for general artificial grass installation guideline:
    You will also find this YouTube channel is very helpful for a lot installation techniques and tricks:

    For any additional free consultations, please contact us by email or this online form, thanks:

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