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  • So if I combine two different orders of MegaPet it won't be the exact same color unless I do all in one order?

So if I combine two different orders of MegaPet it won't be the exact same color unless I do all in one order?

Jun 16, 2021 - 10:07 PM

https://megagrass.com/community/question-and-answer/forums/4133/topics/24682 COPY
  • So if I combine two different orders of MegaPet it won't be the exact same color unless I do all in one order?

  • If you are placing one order with multiple pieces of Megagrass, it is guaranteed that all the pieces will be from the same dyelot and matched perfectly. However if you are ordering the same turf at different times, depending on how far apart in between, the pieces from different orders might not be the same dyelot so they might not match up perfectly. It is always important for you to keep the order information and email us asking for matching dyelot: support@megagrass.com, thank you.
