What makes a turf more or less durable compared to other turfs?

Apr 12, 2021 - 1:39 PM

https://megagrass.com/community/question-and-answer/forums/4133/topics/23648 COPY
  • What makes a turf more or less durable compared to other turfs?

  • Besides unique and secrete ingredients used in the artificial grass fibers which make our turf products the best in the market, the following physical factors also contribute to the durability:

    • Dtex/Denier: which is the mass of the fibers.
    • Faceweight: the weight of fibers per square yard.
    • Grab strength: the breaking point of an individual fiber given force.
    • Tuft Bind: the strength of the backings holding on the fibers We have all of above testing results by independent labs which showing the triple “Excellence” in all categories. Such testing results can be found on our website under each product page. For any other questions, please feel free to email us at support@megagrass.com, thank you.