Does artificial grass release toxic when heats up?

Mar 6, 2020 - 3:19 AM COPY
  • Does artificial grass release toxic when heats up like other plastic things?

  • Our artificial grass is perfectly safe for human and animals, when it gets heat up, like any other non-harmful plastic products, it will get melted if the temperature is over 200 degree F. Under normal weather conditions, regular sun heat won't cause the artificial grass to give off any toxic releases.
    Please feel free to reach out to us for any further concerns you might have by filling out this online form:

  • I appreciate this! Our place is so hot and worried it may damage my artificial grass.

  • This gives me relief since I am afraid that synthetic grass has toxins. Good thing it is very safe for me and my family.

  • I don't think our plastic products release toxic chemicals anymore since the health organization is also checking these factors.
