What is the ideal pile height of artificial grass?

Feb 7, 2020 - 12:26 PM

https://megagrass.com/community/question-and-answer/forums/4133/topics/13648 COPY
  • I want to buy an artificial grass for my dog but I'm not sure what is the perfect pile height for his purpose.

  • Generally speaking, all of our artificial grass is pet friendly, we have seen people using all different Megagrass turf products for their dogs. My personal opinion is to go with our MegaPet product which you will find that pile height is a bit shorter than other regular artificial grass, and fibers are a bit more stiffer. I like the pile height to be a bit short for the following reasons:
    It will be easy to clean up dog poops. It is also easy to clean up in general. Our MegaPet product is designed with extra strength so it is very durable, and more importantly this turf has triple drainage capacities compared to others so to help dog urines flow through quickly and thoroughly.

  • I agree. The shorter the grass, the easier it is to clean!

  • Yeah, shorter pile is easier to clean for our pets. But if for kids, then longer pile height is better so it'll be cushy.

  • Very helpful! I am also planning to have artificial turf for my puppies. I now have an idea of what to buy. Thanks!

  • Oh. That is why I am having a hard time cleaning my dog's poop in longer grass.

  • Shorter piles are also ideal if you're into golf.

  • Now I know! I also like the triple drainage capacity. I should get one like this.

  • I will definitely get this Megapet for my dog. I like the idea that it's easy to clean and durable since my dog is a hard digger.

    This post was edited Feb 24, 2020 07:38AM